O u r p a s s i o n f o r A g r i c u l t u r e
Het Waterland Agro or “The Farm”, it is our family’s farm in the middle of the polders. This is where we grew up and got passionate about Het Waterland and its environment.
Het Waterland is a mixed farm located in the outmost North of East Flanders, next to the boarder with the Netherlands and along an old sea dike. We farm ca. 60 hectares of land and have a livestock of 100 Belgian Blue cows.
On April 1th, the farm has been taken over by the 2nd oldest son in the family – our brother Tim De Causmaecker.
W e a r e a m i x e d f a r m l o c a t e d i n M e e t j e s l a n d
What makes our farm unique is that, despite its moderate size, it has a lifelong history of successfully breeding and growing high quality products. We target to sell our products to local butchers, bakers or restaurants, and we have been quite successfully following this strategy already for decades prior to the launch of European initiatives, such as Farm to Fork. Our aim is to farm as sustainably as possible as we do not only deliver these high quality products throughout a very short supply chain to the end consumers but also grow and process our own cowfood & natural supplements.
W e a r e s p e c i a l i z e d i n v a r i o u s c r o p s
We grow different kinds of cereals: baking wheat high protien level (>14%), barley & spelt and maïs for cow food. These are our farm's foundation.
We grow two kinds of potatoes: firm-boiled for the freshmarket (Nicola and Allegria) and potatoes for french fries. Each potato does not only need to taste good, but look good as well.
Sugar Beets
We also grow sugarbeets. Fun fact: 1 hectare of sugar beets produces the same amount of oxygen as 40 hectares of a mature deciduous forest. A keeper to save the Earth!
Protein rich crops
For us it's important to be indepent of imported products to feed our animals, so we grow protein rich crops like winter beans and alfalfa (lucerne).
Furthermore, we also have the experience with white wheat malt for breweries and bio wheat, such as zeeuwse vlegel.
Finally, we focus a lot on development and so we experiment every year, in cooperation with Hogeschool Gent / the University of Ghent, on new local crops & cultivation.
Our farm specializes in the Belgian Blue cattle – the premium Belgian beef cattle. We originally registered as the Belgian Blue breeder back in 1975 – we have now close to 50 years of experience with it! During these years, our father Noel De Causmaecker has become an expert in the breed and for many years has also been a certified judge in the Belgian Blue cattle shows as well as a board member of the Belgian Blue herd book.