O u r p a s s i o n f o r H o s p i t a l i t y
A p l a c e w h e r e y o u c a n e n j o y t r a n q u i l i t y
Some of our family members spent several years far away from home. Some of us lived many years abroad, others moved to cultural cities such as Ghent. But the longer we stayed away, the more it made all of us realize that our region has so much more to offer than just agriculture: the “Meetjesland” Region and more specifically the area around Waterland-Oudeman is one-of-a-kind.
T h e n a t u r e i s a l l a r o u n d t h e a r e a , w h e r e y o u c a n d i s c o v e r a g r e a t d i v e r s i t y o f f l o r a a n d f a u n a
Waterland-Oudeman is part of a quiet area: one of a few places where you can still enjoy the absolute silence and relax outside of the stress and noise of the hectic cities.
As a visitor you can visit several nature reserves nearby, where you can discover a great diversity of flora and fauna. Whether hiking or cycling, there is plenty to appreciate. The entire area belongs to the Zwin region: a unique area where the beach and the polders meet right on the border of Flanders and the Netherlands. These areas were created during the last century, when the mouth of Zwin rived was silted up and parts of the Braekman (now a recreational area close to Waterland-Oudeman) were flooded. Then a period of land reclamation followed and only the creeks remained as a reminder of the floods of the past.
We would like for you to have a beautiful place to stay through creating an atmosphere of a home away from home. It is our goal to provide you with everything necessary for a relaxed and carefree stay. Our vacation house “Huisje Nummer Tien”, which has a comfortable and spacious living area, a fully-equipped kitchen, 3 beautifully designed bedrooms and a garden overlooking the stretching fields, was created to soothe your mind and help disconnect from the hectic world.
Our projects to date
Year 2018
H u i s j e N u m m e r T i e n
Make a reservation or get to know this project better via www.nummertien.be
Year 2023
N e w p r o j e c t
We expect to reveal our new project in 2023