O u r p a s s i o n f o r G a s t r o n o m y
O u r h o m e g r o w n p r o d u c t s t o t h e p u b l i c

Our Family, having a long farming tradition, has always paid significant attention to food. In 2019, this has evolved into a new passion: offering our home grown or raised products to a wider public. Together with her partner Jonas, our sister Fien is now running the gastronomic gem of Waterland-Oudeman – their own restaurant Tafel Twaalf.
Chef Jonas is passionated about the kitchen since a very young age. He devoted his studies to his love for food when studying at Belgium´s more reowned cooking schools: Ter Groene Poorte in Bruges. After his studies he further developed his gastronomic skills at some of belgium´s finest restaurants: De Paddock, Hof Ter Leepe, De Meersbloem, ´t Aards Paradijs (G&M 16) Naturell G&M 13.5) en Gasthof Halifax.
Fien has besides her love for art and textile a passion for local produce and so they are forming together the perfect match to run this gastronomic gem in the nearly forgotten Waterland-Oudeman