O u r p a s s i o n f o r h e l p i n g o t h e r b u s i n e s s e s g r o w

N e a r l y a d e c a d e o f e x p e r i e n c e i n m o d e r n e n g i n e e r i n g s o l u t i o n s

Having nearly a decade in experience in modern engineering solutions combined with a “can do” mentality, Tim´s boutique consutlancy firm is a solution provider for agribusiness organizations. When we were young, our father taught us to manage and fix our own machinery and tools. We were always guided by common sense and pragmatism, yet always striving for most optimal solutions.


Tim became an engineer and has nearly 10 years of experience in industrial engineering and project management at Deprez Handling Solutions. His brother Dries, who advises Tim, has 12+ years of experience leading business units for one of the top 7 global automotive suppliers, of which 8 years in R&D and organization management and 4+ years providing sustainable change leadership.
The combination of these skillsets paired with a “can do” mentality creates an unique solution provider, able to tackle a variety of challenges in front of an organization in the need of change or optimization.
Het Waterland is thus as well a boutique consulting firm dedicated to creating an innovative ecosystem, connecting producers and consumers, and shaping sustainable business models.
We offer engineering services, such as the technical development and project management for all kinds of food or related processing solutions with or without automization.
We are also specialized in helping organizations grow. Our expertise, to name a few, includes business modelling, setup of sales and commercial organizations, program management, organizational development, transformations and business turnarounds, people development, account management, process optimization and innovation.